
Off-Site Visitations

Unless there are stipulations in the court order to limit the activities, the monitored parent may go anywhere and do anything that is child friendly and appropriate for the age of the child, in the time frame of the visitation at various locations (parks, zoos, sporting events, museums, movie theatres, restaurants, etc). Any entrance fees, parking fees, etc. for the Monitor is to be paid by the Visiting Parent.

Location changes must be submitted a minimum of 7 days in advance of the date of the visit by the non-custodial parent, but once off-sites have been approved, a new request does not need to be resubmitted for subsequent visits to same locations.

In-Home Visits (Also considered as Off-Site) occur in the private home of the non-custodial parent. A Site Evaluation must be completed by the Monitor prior to an in-home visit being scheduled. All policies apply for in-home supervision.


Drop-off and Pick-up (Exchanges ONLY)

Also referred to as a Supervised Exchange or "Safe Exchange", this service refers to a location other than the custodial parent's home or relative's home where the custodial parent can leave the child for the non-custodial parent to pick-up for his/her visiting period and vice-versa. Monitoring is of the "exchange" only with child from custodial parent "to" the non-custodial parent for the purpose of a non-supervised visit with child.

Supervision is limited to the exchange or transfer only with the remainder of the parent/child contact remaining unsupervised. The purpose is to assure that the two parents or other individuals exchanging the child do not come into contact with one another minimizing the conflict between parents and providing for a neutral safe environment for all parties involved. The parent dropping off the child(ren) will leave the child(ren) with a certified professional at the designated exchange location 15 minutes before the scheduled exchange time and immediately leave the premises. The parent picking up the child(ren) will arrive at the designated exchange location 15 minutes after the children’s arrival. Parents have absolutely no contact during these exchanges.

An Intake Interview must be conducted prior to ANY services


Telephone Monitoring

Monitoring is of telephone conversations only, between the child and non-custodial parent during authorized telephone calls. Like supervised visitations, monitored phone contact helps families with the transition during difficult times. We provide this service independent of supervised visitations, but in such situation both parties and the child must individually complete an Intake Interview. Time is limited to 30 minutes maximum per call and is a 3-way call with the monitor placing the call to both parties at the designated time. No parties need to be in the presence of the monitor. This is ideal for any members who are out of town or state.


Overnight Visits

Providing there are no court order limitations, Overnight Visits may be requested so that the Monitor stays the night at the home with the non-custodial parent and child(ren). The home must be previously cleared through the Site Evaluation conducted by the Monitor, usually during the Intake Interview. The child(ren) must have their own room separate from any other family or friends. The Monitor will stay outside of the closed room, creating a barrier between the room and any other person. Requests for Overnight Visits must be made in advance so Monitor has time to prepare and set schedule.



The purpose of the Intake Interview is to provide the rules and guidelines of the Supervised Visitation program and to complete assessment documentation for each party. A thorough intake is essential to the monitoring process. During the intake, both parties will be asked to answer questions that will assist the Monitor in protecting the safety of the child(ren).

The communication during the assessment ensures a healthy understanding of the purpose and expectations during the supervised visits. Both the custodial and non-custodial parents meet with the Monitor on an individual basis. The staff may meet with the children as well; depending on their age and developmental status.



Accurate, objective and consistent documentation is a crucial part of both Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange services. Documentation allows you to spend your court time talking about the issues and not arguing about the facts. We provide highly detailed and professional documentation for a fee at your request.

Activity Reports are a record of what took place during a single visit. Descriptions are objective, non-judgmental and a summary of the observation only. Reports are available for each visit and charged to requesting party. Both parties receive copies.

Declarations are a record of all major activities from all visits. Descriptions are objective, non-judgmental and a summary of the observation only. Declarations are available for the entire time in the Visitation Program and charged to requesting party.

Please give the monitor at least 10 days notice plus fees to complete any report

Case Journals include any conversations, messages, e-mails, cancellations and/or scheduling issues from all Parties, Attorneys and Evaluators. These notes are used by Monitor to assist the Court when subpoena is issued.


Other Services Related to Monitoring

  • Overnight visits and travel (extra fees apply)
  • Testifying in Court, upon Subpoena (fees apply)
  • Visitations available daily. (25% premium on Holidays)
  • No charge for cancellations with 24-hour notice.
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