Getting Started

Setting up a Service

We accept referrals from Family Law Attorneys, Dependency Court, the Family Law courts, Mediators and private individuals. Our Providers will perform an Intake Interview to clarify the circumstance and to determine how to best serve the families in need of Monitored Visitation Services.

Your initial visit can take up to four days or more to schedule and up to two hours to conduct so please plan accordingly


Intake Procedure

In most instances, it is the court that will order supervised monitoring. We require a court order for parents to utilize our services. On initial contact, we will review your details to insure we can accommodate time and space along with other specific factors. Interviews will then be scheduled for each parent to individually meet with a Monitor at different locations. The Monitor will also meet with the participating child(ren) depending on their age and developmental status.

Each Party must bring the following to the Intake Interview:

  • Drivers License or Valid Identification Card
  • Copy of the Court Order or Temporary Custody Orders
  • Copy of the Protective Order (if applicable)
  • A recent picture of Custodial / Non-custodial party
  • A recent picture of the Child(ren)


Intake Purpose

The Intake process is to provide the rules of the program and to complete assessment documentation. The communication during the assessment ensures a healthy understanding of the purpose, level of participation and expectations during the supervised visits. The custodial and non-custodial parents meet with the Monitor on an individual basis.


Requesting and Setting Up Visitation Service

  • Advise the Monitoring Coordinator of your visitation schedule request within the Court Order.
  • Each parent must separately complete an Intake Application.
  • Provide the Monitor with the most current court order, restraining order and custody evaluation if applicable.
  • There is a fee of $45.00 per Intake Interview. (Each party)
  • Each visit is paid in advance of your visit. We accept only cash and your Monitor will provide a receipt.
  • If a visit needs to be cancelled, we have a 24 hour notice policy. Must speak live with the coordinator.
  • All visitation appointments must be made through the Monitoring Coordinator.
  • It is the responsibility of the parents to provide adequate food, snacks, water, diapers and wipes for your child during the visit.

Upon completion of the Intake Interview, reviewing the Guidelines and any pertinent court orders, regular supervised visits will be scheduled pursuant to the court order. If the court does not dictate a specific visitation schedule, the Monitor will work with all parties to create a schedule which accommodates each family’s specific situation.

The duration of the required supervised visitation is determined by the court. As long as the family is compliant with our rules and procedures, we will provide supervised monitoring for families as long as necessary.

Thank you.