

All the information on this website is general in nature and may or may not apply to your particular circumstances and is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as and does not constitute legal advice.

The information on this website is provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose.


Your Confidentiality

Unlike clients of lawyers and doctors, clients of Supervised Visitation Programs DO NOT have a privilege of confidentiality that protects them from producing client records requested by the Court, or any other party as part of a Court proceeding. By requesting the Court to issue a Subpoena, any client may require the Monitor to grant the client all records and/or require a Monitor to appear in a Court proceeding and bring the client's records to Court.

However, any identifying information about the parties and the child(ren), including addresses, telephone numbers, places of employment, and schools, is confidential, and will be deleted from documents before releasing them to any court, attorney, attorney for the child, party, mediator, evaluator, mental health professional, social worker, or referring agency, except as required in reporting suspected child abuse. All Monitors are required to report any suspected child abuse.

As Supervised Visitation Monitors, we will maintain a neutral role by refusing to discuss the merits of the case, or agree with or support one party over another. Any discussion between a Monitor and the parties should be for the purposes of arranging visitation and providing for the safety of the child(ren) during the visit.

A record for each case will be maintained, including but not limited to the following: (i) a written record of each contact and visit including the date, time, and duration of (ii) who attended the visit; (iii) a summary of activities during the visit; (iv) actions taken by the Monitor, including any interruptions, interventions, terminations, and reasons for these actions; (v) an account of critical incidents, including physical or verbal altercations and/or threats; (vi) violations of protective or court visitation orders; (vii) any failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the visitation as per subdivision (i) of this contract; and (viii) any incidence of abuse or neglect as required by law.

Case recordings will be limited to facts, observations, and direct statements made by the parties, not personal conclusions, suggestions, or opinions of the Monitor. All contact by the Monitor in person, in writing, or by telephone with party, the children, the court, attorneys, mental health professionals, and referring agencies, will be documented in the case file. All entries will be dated and signed by the person recording the entry.